Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day Twenty-One

Well this is it. I have made it twenty-one days.

Have I created a new habit? Yes I think I have.
Is it deeply ingrained?

Probably not yet. But ...
with the NO S diet ... as the folks on the forum have suggested that I would ....
I have embarked on a completely new relationship with food.

It is very interesting how it has evolved even just over a relatively brief twenty-one day period.

Tonight is the end of my third S day weekend. Each weekend was a little bit different. The first was scary and exciting. I was not at all certain I would be able to get back on habit on Monday.

The second S weekend I found with the treats I couldn't get in my three meals a day. I fretted about that. Would it throw me off on Monday?
No, come Monday morning everything was fine.

This weekend I really looked forward to it with a sense of , I believe inner security. The treats
would be there. I would be there. We would be there together for the weekend.
Then ... on Monday ...
I feel fairly confident I will be back on habit.

It IS hard to explain. The inner dynamic ... the inner healthy loving potentially sustainable dynamic that has been released by a commitment to follow a few simple rules with basically no equivocation.

There is a gift within all this. It is a gift to be received by anyone who is willing to do the same I believe.
It is really remarkable.
Really remarkable.

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