Friday, April 11, 2008

Day Nineteen

The sun is still shining outside my window.
My little kitty is curled up asleep beside me.
My husband and I have a "date" night tonight.
Life is good.

Life is really good in this moment.
Where is the food hell that haunted me and dogged my every step a few short weeks ago?

Gone. Poof. Quickly, simply, surgically eradicated ...
with a few simple words.
No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds except on days that start with S

makes you wonder...
an eating disoder
OR simply disordered eating

an addiciton
OR just a really bad habit

a sin that they used to call gluttony
where did it go?
was it psychological - acceptance?
spiritual - surrender?

or just the simple gift of someone
sharing their divinely inspired insights with another ...

passing it on

this Friday night and I am just grateful
and that is just a really nice place to be

have sweet sweet dreams tonight ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just encountered this blog and love your spiritual and humorous approach to No S. I'm inspired by your levity. And so_many_ beautiful turns of phrase...I hope you are still writing, even if you've let this blog go.
God bless you for taking the time to share your journey and wisdom here.