Thursday, April 3, 2008

Day Eleven

Well this is nothing if not SURREAL.

This is the night of the 11th day and I am done this day with food.

A very nice and very clear boundary. Lots of peace. And I thought "fences" were just for making good neighbors.

My husband came home and we were talking.

I was telling him that this is nothing short of miraculous.
That I had been redeemed .... smile ... liberated... free at last
free at last ... waving my arms in the air enthusiastically ...

someone who has not spent the past 40 years on and off a sugar high, trying to control their food intake, going up and down the scale 10 to 20 pounds with frequency and regularity would not understand.

NO. Simply could not understand the peace of all this.

But ANYONE who has struggled with the humiliation and shame of DISORDERED EATING will understand.

I am so grateful for NO S.
Reinhard must have been divinely inspired.

For me it is been an endles battle.
Tonight I can lay down my weapons.

Is this for real?


Unknown said...

This is such an encouraging post. I just found out about the No-S Diet and I just wrote a brief summary on my blog. With your permission, I want to link your blog to mine so others can ready about your journey esp. since my blog targets plus size women trying to lose weight for health; not vanity purposes...(I go by clevagirl73 on the No-S Diet site)

Ruth said...

Hi Blueskighs,
I know you've stopped blogging on here, but I wanted you to know that I appreciate your blog. Your experiences before no-s (regarding food and weight) sound just like mine and I now long to experience the freedom and joy you describe on here.
I have signed up to the no-s board and am keeping a daily record. I started today, an S-day (Sunday). You've also encouraged me to keep some sort of a record on a blog. You never know who might read it and experience an "aha" moment, or simply feel understood, and in that feeling understood, also challenged to do something against their destructive behaviors.

Thank you for taking the time and writing this blog.

God bless you!
