Another good No S day.
Smooth sailing. Somehow all this nosing keeps me on an incredibly even keel.
How does that work?
I don't know.
All I know is that it does.
With food in its proper place and having a proper place, it seems like its easier for everything else to find and have its proper place as well.
There must be something metaphysical
Or holistic about this.
Possibly both.
The inner peace of food and eating now permeates my life rather than the inner chaos of binging, restricting and obsessing.
I would love to give this to everyone I meet.
Smooth Sailing upon the Stormy Seas of Life.
I loved reading some of your posts especially your pictures are so yummy! I am right there with you on the emotional eating, I would just pick all day long all day was just one big meal and I didn't even realize how many extra calories I was eating. The thing I love is the simple concept, great job. I have a blog too, it's not about food though it's called the human sandwich generation (taking care of my parents) I stumbled on nosing in barnes & noble and read a little in the store and couldn't put it down.
Namaste- all as one (Cara)
thank you for stopping by. What a beautiful blog you have ... www.humansandwich.blogspot.com. I suspect there are a lot of people that can relate to your expereince and the humanity of what you are writing about. And what a beautiful puppy!
Have you found that No S is helping you at all with your emotions as you go through your day to day?
Just wondering, and thank you again for stopping by. Your blog is very meaninful and lovely,
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