For my S Day Lunch/Dinner we went to Sipz www.sipz.com and I had a bowl of Lemon Grass Delite Tofu, my absolute FAVORITE with Brown Rice and a side of Steamed Broccoli and Bok Choy. Yum Yum!
Then to continue our "date night" we watched videos and had popcorn with Junior Mints. One of my old FAVORITES that I really haven't thought about until sometime last week - so I got a couple of boxes of junior mints. YUMYUMYUMYUM! What a treat and oh how I enjoyed it.
What was even MORE enjoyable was when I got on the scale monster this morning and I weighed ...
Yup! 125.2 I am down 1.1 MORE pounds YAY!
So let's look at how my body has TRANSFORMED:
1. NOsing for past NINETY DAYS, and
2. Decreasing the frequency and duration of my workouts, while increasing the intensity for the past FIVE WEEKS.
March 24, 2oo8 I weighed 134.6 and my BMI was 23.8 I don't know what my bodyfat was then. But on May 15 my bodyfat was 27.7%
TODAY I weight 125.2, my BMI is 22.2, and my body fat is 23.6%
THAT MEANS I have lost 9.4 pounds AND decreased my BMI by 1.6 AND in the past five weeks of Nosing combined with the stated changes in my workout routine have decreased my body fat by 4.1%.
I am REALLY pleased.
My goal is 20% bodyfat. My personal trainer thought I could get there in six months, so that would be in a little over four months.
I am right on target, I am shrinking, and I feel great!
This is what I love about the NO S Diet!
Photo: Popcorn and Junior Mints, my ninety day results on the Scale Monster
Omigosh Blueskighs!
I just read your blog!
The bottom portion of my post is VERY similar to what you wrote on your blog!
I didn't steal or plagarize! I swear!
I swear, I live by the motto that I eat three meals a day and live in between now!
Oi vey!
I feel like a thief! Shocked
But, it goes to show the positive gains available to all who take the plunge and commit to the No S lifestyle!
Great post. I am so proud of you even if I don't know you.
First off, congrats on the 9 pounds!!!! Today is my 21st day and I'm down 5! Loving every bite too.. I had 3 margaritas Sat night and 2 Sun night! haha. Thought I'd check in with you. Your meals look gorgeous as always and I think I may try the popcorn/junior mints this weekend. Sounds yummy =)
I am not worried about your plagiarizing or whatever, I am so glad to have you here, truthfully I don't even know what you are referring to! But thank you for stopping by and thank you for the really GREAT SUPPORT you give to all of us on the NO S boards!
I am so glad it is going so well for you and sounds like you had a fun weekend!
have to admit popcorn and junior mints, YUMMY. I think its the whole sugar/salty contrast which is so scrumptious
THANK YOU for your support,
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