Today was another good day.
Gee I am so boring on this No S diet.
But I guess it is a good kind of boring.
I get up early, I do what needs to be done, I eat my three plate meals, I work out ...
Yeah, I will take that kind of boring any day!
This has probably been one of my best summer's in a long time, maybe ever.
I don't know.
It's been pretty good.
I know it's because I am not binging.
I know that's why everything is going so well.
And if you think about, it just makes sense.
Binging is absorbing.
It's not just the moments that you are cramming food in your mouth.
No, then a whole chain of events follow:
you feel numb and sated, and they you start "waking up" and then the negative self-talk starts, and then you have gotten behind on something you dont' want to deal with, and then you get behind on something else you don't want to deal with and then you just say screw it, I'll have a cookie or a latte or whatever your "gateway" drug is and then there you are binging. And then you start gaining weight, and then you start looking for a new diet, and then you start planning for the new diet and then you start shopping for the new diet, but you have to have few more binges before you start the diet ...
I'll take the good kind of boring ANY DAY!
Photo: Soy Bologna and Soy Cheese Sandwich on Sprouted Wheat Bread with Mustard, Lettuce and Red Onion, Carrot Sticks, Dill Pickle and Roasted Garlic Potato Chips
So, took my first S-day during the week. So not worth it! There was a baby shower at work, and I had cake... more than I should have. I feel awful. I know I shouldn't beat myself up over it. I had been doing really well and hit my 21 day mark on Monday w/o any slip-ups. Tell me I'm ok???
you are perfectly OK!!!!
I actually love my "NWS" days - Non Weekend S days. This is the first month I won't use one, a little tough but we are having our vacation in July and I will have three.
The thing that helps me the most when I have me treats is I ask myself this question BEFORE I start eating, "How can I really ENJOY this?" it kind of helps me shift my thinking.
Man, I could have written that paragraph on binging. That is so me. Glad your doing well.
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