"Intelligent Dietary Default" is a term and a section that Reinhard Engel's has in his book, the NO S diet.
We all have dietary defaults. The things that we eat, every day for breakfast or every day for lunch, or every day for dinner.
Things that we eat that are "automatic" to us.
An intelligent dietary, Reinhard says in his book, would assure that "the convenient thing we unthinkingly reach for - the default - is reasonably healthy."
I have unwittingly created such "defaults" along the way on my journey on No S. Whether its the curried egg salad sandwich that I always eat with carrot sticks, or the repetitive breakfast of organic plain yogury, fresh blueberries and ezekiel cereal.
Another way I use "intelligent dietary defaults" is portion control. Whether its sticking with a regularly consumed portion of food or pulling my little pre-measured frozen goody bags out of the freezer on an S day. I just don't have to think.
And let's face it, sometimes when it comes to food I just don't want to think. I have other things on my mind, I don't have much time, whatever.
Tofu sausage and peas has been an intelligent dietary default in my world, even before I knew what it was. Quick to prepare, Convenient - cause I always keep the ingredients on hand. When I don't know what to eat, or just don't want to go to the trouble, I eat my little bowl of sausage and peas and I am always satisfied.
Intelligent Dietary Default.
Makes sense!
Photo: Tofu Sausage and Steamed Peas with EVOO, salt and pepper
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