I think this No S thing is becoming more of a habit.
Its showing up in my being a bit less concerned about where I am at, i.e. an N day or an S day.
Now I said "a bit", which means that it is not that there is no concern at all, it is just that it does not seem so much front and center these days.
Of course, starting to use Habitcal for my PROJECT has shifted my focus.
This is a good thing. When eating, dieting, binging, restricting, feeling stuffed, feeling starved, becomes the center of your life, much falls by the wayside.
It seems that is what is happening. Yes.
With NO S food and eating seem to be falling into their appropriate place in my life,
I think that this is a very, very, very good thing.
Photo: pbj on sprouted wheat bread with homemade bean and vegetable soup with EVOO drizzles
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