One of the things I love about No S is the "pay as you go" quality.
Many diets set out a particular volume or quantity of food to eat at a particular meal or for a particular day. Regardless ... of pretty much anything.
However, with three one plate meals a day, there is quite a bit of latitude in how much ...
and how little ...
one can eat each meal ... and each day.
I find that there are days, that for whatever reason I need to eat more, just as there are days that for whatever reason, I need to eat less. No S gives me total latitude to make adjustments along the way.
Some might find the lack of specificity annoying, frustrating and even burdensome.
Myself I find it liberating ... maturing.
Any structure that allows me to assume more responsibility within myself for myself is an empowering one.
I was particularly hungry at lunch today and chose to add some peanutbutter crackers to my meal. As you can see on the photo, it all fit quite nicely on my plate.
Curiously, I did not finish my dinner.
Even more curiously, I stopped when I was full.
Can ANYONE help me to understand why years of TRYING to not finish every last bite on my plate has been effortlessly acheived in seven short weeks by faithfully and consistently following the No S Diet?
I find it baffling myself.
Delightful, but baffling.
photo: moong dal with brown rice and fresh cilantro, peanut butter on whole grain crackers
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