About four years ago we went RAW.
For about four months. It was actually quite fun.
Another one of our food adventures. It started in the summer, in July.
A very sensible time to go RAW because their are so many great fruits and avocados.
Pretty much both are essential, in my opinion when one goes RAW.
We got a dehydrator, high powered blender, and spiral slicer. We got a very sharp set of knives.
An absolute MUST for raw.
We got raw food cookbooks and went to raw food seminars.
We surfed raw food websites and went to Juliano's in Santa Monica, Ca.
We felt good ... until ... the day came ...
it was November. And more than anything what we wanted was some ...
Well we kept our dehydrator, our high-powered blender, the spiral slicer, and sharp set of knives and followed a very circuitous route to veganism.
A few months of being RAW will dramatically change your palette.
What used to be scrumptious just is not anymore.
I still use the dehydrator on occassion and make flax seed crackers.
We still use the blender and set of knives.
I couldn't find that darn spiral slicer if my life depended on it although I still make raw "spaghetti" and raw "fettucine alfredo" on occasion.
In the summer I still love some kale salad with Reed avocados and luscious beefsteak tomatoes and I would never give up my scrumptious avocado dips with fresh veggies .
And on occasion I still like to drop in on my favorite raw food restaraunt www.cilantrolive.com
That is where I went for lunch today and had their yummy Spicy Thai Salad.
It IS made of julienne cabbage, carrots, zucchini, green apples, red bell peppers, coconuts and red onions tossed in a sweet almond sauce, topped with spicy cashews.
Well I will be hitting the road tomorrow ...
and I will be back on Monday with pictures of my gastronomical one plate expereinces ...
OOPS maybe not!
Well I WILL be back on Monday with pictures of my gastronomical experiences WHATEVER they turn out to be!!!!
Photo: Spicy Thai Salad from Cilantro Live! restaurant
Hi :) I am also a vegan considering joining the NoS bandwagon, any tips?
veganruthie @ yahoo . com
in my opinion ... and limited experience (have been doing No S for about six weeks) No S and veganism are a good match! Basically since you eat three one plate meals on N Days, most week days, and your "in charge" of what you put on those plates, I just make sure each "plate" has good, quality vegan food.
It has really worked well for me as for as getting a healthy structure with my food. I am probably eating better over all because with one plate meals I tend to be more careful about what I choose to put on my plates.
I think it works well for anyone, and definitely vegans. There are some other vegans on the no s website bulleting board.
let me know if you have any other specific questions and i'll answer as best I can.
Sweet, tnx blue. :-)
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