I have been working on a PROJECT. I started to use the nosdiet.com HabitCal to start tracking my "work habits" and its working.
But now I don't have much time to do much else. LOL.
This is good. The down side is that the thought of cooking this past two days as I am easing into my routine has basically been,
"I don't wanna."
Yesterday I had leftovers and salad.
Today I took a leap and went for the PBJ. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
It's been a long time.
Dare I say, I heaped on the crunchy peanut butter.
It was melt in my mouth delicious.
I savored each bite.
When I first started No S, I decided to keep my "wheat" with my "sweets" on S Day.
Why oh why would I do such a thing?
Well let me tell you ...
wheaty things were as triggery of foods for me as sweets and I just wanted to get my habits down.
The last two weeks I experimented with adding a sprouted wheat cereal, Ezekiel cereal to my weekly breakfasts. After a couple of weeks and not going for the entire box, I stepped out last week with one of Amy's Indian Samosa Wraps and I believe it was Friday, some peanut butter and crackers.
Yes, I LOVE peanut butter. IT IS SO TRUE!
SO today, for lunch, having NO TIME TO COOK and besides "I don't wanna", about all that I could settle on was PBJ.
With a nice little romaine, cucumber, celtic sea salt, EVOO side salad.
It was scrumptious.
Just might have it again tomorrow.
IN addition, I got to work and get to mark another nice little green square on my PROJECT habitcal today.
And that felt REALLY nice!
photo: Crunchy peanut butter and blueberry fruit spread on sprouted wheat toast, with a side salad of romaine lettuce, cucumber, celtic sea salt and EVOO
I <3 peanut butter and pbjs as well. I gave it up for a long time because I couldn't handle having it in the house, but I've slowly been able to add it back into my life without crazy binging attacks. :-)
Here is a chai tea tip that might help you through some of the hard times. A N-Day chai you might try is a chai tea bag with a splash of soymilk (or regular milk). It's slightly sweet and creamy from the milk but mostly just spice tea. :0)
Best of luck,
i am so glad you are getting to enjoy your pbjs again too... there is something so yummy and comforting about them that takes me back to happy times!
actually I have tried chai tea as you suggest but it doesn't quite do it for me ... i guess honestly I just want all that sugar they choke it up with at starbucks ....
oh well... we must not be too pure... sinead o'connor,
have a great day,
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