Unbeleiveably I have been doing No S for ten weeks.
Somewhere between last Monday and Today, something remarkable happened.
Doing No S became incredibly "unremarkable".
That is a good thing.
It became unremarkable in that very little conscious time or effort was put forth into maintaining my No S habits for the week.
I just kind of did it.
Cause that's now just kind of what I do.
I enjoyed my chai tea latte and ONE DONUT this morning. THOROUGHLY.
But there weren't the original fireworks that occurred when I first let my poor abused mistreated "sugar animal" out of its cage.
Abused and mistreated by either complete and total deprivation or torrential floods. Nothing mildy resembling "in between" ever occurring.
I enjoyed my vegan nachos later in the day. Thoroughly.
That was about it. I really didn't WANT anymore sweets or treats so I just really didn't HAVE anymore sweets or treats.
I'll have my donut and chai tomorrow.
I am learning to trust myself.
Photo: Vegan Nachos