Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I think whole grains are an important part of our diet.

That being said, wheat does not much agree with me. Although I refuse to remove wheat completely from my diet, I do try as often as I can to not eat it and to choose other grains. I will go through periods where I eat a lot of brown rice, corn chips and corn tortillas.

But lately I have been starting eating something for breakfast that I call WHOLE GRAINS plus. It is a mixture of quinoa, teff, and buckwheat. None of these grains have gluten. And I really enjoy it.

This is how I make it:

2 Tbsp Quinoa
2 Tbsp Teff
2 Tbsp Buckwheat
2 pinces of salt
1 cup of water

I place all this in my small Procter Silex Automatic Rice Cooker. I put on the lid, push the cook button and go about my business.

Within thirty minutes the warm button is lit up and I have cooked grains.

I like to eat them with soymilk, fresh fruit and ground flaxseeds. Tonight, I actually ate it for dinner and I made a mix of ground flaxseeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.

These whole grains have many health benefits and the less processed they are the better they are for us.

I am really glad that I discovered this easy way to make WHOLE GRAINS and now I have it as part of my repertoire.

The most difficult part is figuring out how much water to use in your rice cooker so it doesn't bubble over!

Photo: Quinoa, Teff, Buckwheat mix with Soymilk, Peaches, Blueberry and Ground Flaxseed


A Happy No S Dieter said...

Would one have to go to a health food store to buy Quinoa and Teff? I've never heard of it before. If you get a chance, pop in on my new blog for No S Dieting. Your blog was the inspiration!

Blueskighs said...

no s dieter,

it is very possible that you would have to go to a health food store to buy quinoa and teff. do you have any that are convenient to you?

I will definitely your blog and geez ... if my blog was in anyway an inspiration that is great.

I love NO S and hope that more and more people will hear about it and try it,


A Happy No S Dieter said...

Bluskighs, Thank you for your kind comments about my new blog. I too hope more people will hear about the No S Diet. It's almost too good to be true, isn't it? I will have to check out where the nearest health food store is in town. All the foods you post look so delicious! YUM!