I eat tofu. Tofu is a lot like chicken.
Whether or not it is fresh, and how you prepare it, will have a lot to do with whether or not you like it.
I mean who likes boiled chicken? Get my point?
There are as many ways to prepare and season tofu as there are to cook chicken.
One of my favorite kinds of tofu is Wildwood tofu www.wildwoodfoods.com. They have many flavors, Savory and Aloha are my all time favorites.
I like Savory in and with Salads. (See Above Photo)

And I love the Aloha Tofu with fresh fruit. As you can see in the above photo, I ate it with plums tonight for a very satisfying dinner.
Last night I ate it with the last of our Bing Cherries!
Photos: Z pizza Arugula Salad with Baked Tofu, Baked Tofu with Plums, Baked Tofu with Bing Cherries
I think your link should be wildwoodfoods.com. I have always wanted to try tofu but it just seems too foreign to me. However, I am being very adventuresome with other parts of my diet on No S -- maybe I should just get some tofu and give it a whirl! Do you do anything special to it before you serve it? Or is the stuff basically ready to go out of the package?
thank you for the heads up on the link!
the wild woods tofu is prepared and seasoned,etc so you just take it out of the package and slice it up and eat. I eat it in chunks as you can see and throw on salads.
I like wild wood tofu cause it is really firm.
if you buy unseasoned tofu, which I also do you can throw it in things and stir fry, or I put it in just about anything you would throw chicken into.
Tofu absorbs the seasoning it's cooked in. You have to experiment.
First time I ate tofu in restaruant 20 years ago - tofu lasgna - it was so bad I did not eat tofu for another ten years. It all depends on how it is prepared and served!
Thank you for stopping by, your blog is looking great and I put up a link.
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