I have to say that for me I was very nervous coming off an eleven day vacation which included 4 regular S days and 3 planned NWS (Non Weekend S) days. Do the math. That left 4 N days out of the entire eleven!
But almost four months of habit made the "transition" back into the real world seamless and pretty much effortless as well.
I am shocked.
Usually after such escapades and episodes there are tragic downward spirals.
Apparently the No S Diet is really different.
Reinhard Engels, the creator of the No S Diet, says that keeping strict with N days is the key.
I would say my direct experience supports this.
The "hard work" you do at the beginning to JUST SAY NO to seconds, sweets, and snacks NO MATTER WHAT really pays huge dividends down the road and I am reaping them BIG TIME.
I am really loving this!
Photo: scrambled eggs and tofu sausage
Experience is the best teacher. Thank you for reinforcing the idea of keeping strict with "N" days. As a novice, No S Dieter, that is very helpful information! Welcome back from your vacation too!
no s dieter,
thank you for your encouragement and support, just want to say again I love your blog!
and one of the reasons i love No S is cause it ENCOURAGES each of us to learn from our own experience,
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