As I move through my S days and proactively plan to give myself whatever I want I have found that I am kind of burned out on chocolate and ... oh my gosh ... DONUTS!
I had moved donuts to Sunday's only last weekend and did the same this weekend. What I found was that when I was finished, I was much to my shock and amazement - totally unsatisfied.
So I went home and had my organic plain yogut, raw, unfiltered honey with walnuts and blackberries.
Ahhhhhhhh! Much better.
But I ALSO noticed that when I drank my chai tea latte www.starbucks.com ALONE (i.e. without donuts), I REALLY enjoyed it and savored it! DELICIOUS. And YES it DOES have as much sugar as a can of coke, but this I am not giving up. This I am starting to understand is what MY S days are for. Some people may swoon over chocolate ... ok, a lot of people do. Other's swoon over their particular tasty treat, for me it's my chai tea lattes.
I suspect I won't have donuts next weekend.
But I know I will have my chai tea lattes and THOROUGHLY ENJOY them.

The other thing I really love is Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf www.coffeebean.com machine brewed iced green teas in the summer. I drink them straight up with no sugar, artificial sweeteners, soymilk, etc. NADA. And I just love them. BUT caffiene is a HUGE issue for me so at the most I can only enjoy one day. On Sunday I tried Japanese Cherry for the first time and surprise! surprise! it was delicious too!
Photos: Starbucks Grande 3 Pump Chai Tea Latte with Soymilk Extra Hot, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Machine Brewed Iced Japanese Cherry Green Tea
i love reading your "journey." what's the weight loss at now? i know you love to brag on it =)
oops! haha just scrolled down. congrats!
glad to know you enjoying reading the "journey", it is quite an intriguing one for me!
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