After our dear kitty Lola departed, I thought I would enjoy a period of time ... months? a year or two? without the responsibility of a pet.
Was a surprised that I just could not "quell" the desire to "adopt" a few days after Lola passed and I had cleaned up her towels and toys and bowls, etc. With a nice size home and several cat "trees" I just couldn't deny that we are pretty much a "premium" home for kitties.
There is a wonderful local petstore in our neighborhood that we pass by going to grocery store, and dry cleanres. Last week they had some adorable kittens. I went by last Monday and they pretty much "grabbed" my heart.
I slept on it, and Tuesday after lunch I had to go by and see if they were still there. They got adopted that afternoon. The store owner gave them shots, washed them up, and clipped their nails and we brought them home early that evening.
They are now nine weeks old and you can see they are precious. They are brothers and they get along famously. They are adjusting to their new home and I simply love having them around. They are fun to play with and fun to watch play and sleep with one another.
It is really fun to have healthy, happy kitties underfoot. No one will ever take the place of our Lola, but I have learned that I really love having the "animal energy" of furry freinds in the house. For me, spending time with them is relaxing, centering and nurturing.
I have wondered if I was not on NO S would I have started Binging when Lola passed and denied my heartfelt desire to adopt again? Since I was not binging I had many good cries over Lola in the weeks before she passed and then as she was leaving us. In the past I might have turned to food to crush the part of my heart that was ready and able, not to replace Lola, but to provide a new home for two lovely little creatures who are very unique and different in their own right.
I was hoping to blog more in August, but my life interrupted.
I am hoping to continue my blogging and talk more about some of the tools I have used to help alleviate my emotional eating in September.
Thank you to all of you who come by and visit and have hung in through August. I did not post my five month results in August because I forgot and there was no signficant change. I think for the rest of this first year I will report my results every two months. I am so close to maintenance, that for me things are moving very slowly.
I have continued to stay "green" on N days throughout August and took one NWS day.
In September I will take four NWS days, today - Labor Day, two birthdays and another for my husband's vacation.
NO S continues to alter my relationship with food DRAMATICALLY and have deep and far-reaching effects in my life.
I am looking for a happy, joyous and productive Fall!
Photo: Two Brothers!
Congratulations on your new additions. They are beyond adorable! And congrats on your continued success and progress with No S.
Have a great day,
thank you for stopping by. Yes they are adorable and cuddly and playful and fun. Hope you are doing well too!Are you still doing No S? It is slow but it seems to me like it is so worth it!
Your new babies are beautiful! Congratulations! Becky
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