This is a great book. For anyone like me who has had a long term eating disorder. For me it has not been anorexia or bulimia, but simply binge eating disorder.
This book was a big help. It basically sets forth that the best or maybe the only way to heal from an eating disorder is to find something else in your life that you are equally or more passionate about than eating/dieting.
I read this book last year and it really got me to thinking.
For me, there has always been a HUGE emotional component to my overeating. The No S Diet is the perfect eating structure for healing binge eating disorders. What I learned from reading Regaining Your Self reminds me that when I am feeling "rebellious" on N Days, I really just need to focus on the things in my life that I am passionate about.
Its amazing the difference that makes.
For me, I could not be where I am today without following the No S diet AND what I read in this book, Regaining Your Identity.
Photo: Book Cover - Regaining Your Self by Ira Sacker
Thanks for the recommendation. I just ordered it off Amazon.
I truly hope that you get something valuable out of this book. It is not a "how to" or "step by step book", it is more concept oriented. But it plants a very powerful seed! Let me know what you think after you read it.
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