Life is good on the No S Diet. The past five plus months have marked huge shifts in my pschological and emotional relationship with food.
One of the things that I did when I was on my August hiatus from the No S Diet Boards was I got rid of all of my diet books. But before I gave them away I wrote the No S website clearly onto all of the table of contents.
When I first started the No S Diet, I believe it was Lily, that brought this great idea up on the boards. I had wanted to do it for months but never got around to it because I just didn't have the time.
But when I was taking my hiatus I had some extra moments and used them to do some "housec cleaning" things like this. It felt great to write the No S Diet website in all of those books and get them out of my house.
I am so glad that I will not be buying anymore diet books because, for me, life is good on the No S Diet.
Photo: Organic Free Range Turkey Bacon Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich, Carrot Sticks and Figs
That is a great idea! I have been wanting to get rid of my vast diet book library. I have been tempted to just put them in the recycling bin rather than put all that B.S. into another person's hands, but including the No S info is even better.
I kept my diet books in a box for months in the garage ... maybe part of me wasn't completely confident the No S Diet would "work" ... it does and YES getting rid of those books and "spreading the word" felt great,
thank you again to Lily for coming up with that great idea,
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