"Self-Denial is a Great Sweetner of Pleasure" ... this is a lovely quote that I pulled from the No S diet boards, thank you Jammin' Jam.
I have found this concept to be true, especially as I adhere to the No S Diet. Where I used to beleive that binging was a pleasurable experience I am finding that a well-timed and limited treat is MUCH more satisfying and therefore much more pleasurable!
Why is this? I will guess.
First of all, no matter how much very temporary satisfaction binging brings, it is ALWAYS followed by the uncomfortable physical sensations of overeating and it is most always accompanied by the natural emotional guilt of eating more than our fair share and/or more than what is an appropriate portion for our body ... i.e. our inner sense of shame at our own greed.
Secondly when you eat whatever "treat" you want whenever you "want" to eat it, it by default becomes a commonplace experience and thus its specialness is diminished and it is no longer EXPERIENCED as a treat, thus reducing its capacity to provide pleasure.
Finally, when we do eat our treats in appropriate and/or limited portions the sense of pleasure is actually heightened by the lack of guilt and uncomfortable physical sensations of overeating. So the pleasure is almost doubled because it is not linked with ANY negative associations.
So by denying our selves unlimited treats in quanitity and frequency we are GREATLY SWEETENING OUR PLEASURES when we do partake!
I like it!
Photo: Organic Free Range Turkey Meatballs, Steamed Green Beans with EVOO, Celtic Sea Salt and Fresh Ground Black Pepper and Figs
Haven't written in a while, but I still check in to read your blog at least once a week. I "fell off" a while back, had many fasting weeks, many binging weeks, and maintained my weight around 118-125. Same as its been for a while. I, like you, just want off the merry-go-round. I "joined" back last friday and today is day 9. Feels good to be back! I'm down 4 pounds right now, but that isn't the point I understand now. I've been reading your old entries and it is just so inspiring. I hope you have a fabulous weekend. I'll check in again soon, definitely at my 21 day mark!
it is so good to hear from you. I am glad you are back and CONGRATULATIONS on day 9! That is wonderful. You have a fabulous weekend too!
And thank you for you for stopping by,
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