Thursday, August 14, 2008


Sob! I had to quit drinking green tea. I am so sensitive to caffiene that even the supposedly reduced caffiene was too much for me.... interrupting my sleep cycle and ending up with those AWFUL headaches that I am OH SO HAPPY to live without when I am MOSTLY caffiene free.

Apparently limiting my chai tea lattes and chocolate keeps me in an an acceptable range but my green teas throw me over ...

BUT it is not all a sad story today.
In search of SOMETHING else i have discovered the two delicious, out of this world, mind bogglingly wonderful flavors of Mexican Sweet Chili and Egyptian Licorice Caffiene Free Yogi Teas

I love them! Love them! Love them! And with no caffiene and a nice cup of Bedtime Yogi Tea before I hit the pillow at night, I am sleeping peacefully, restfully, and deeply once again.


Photo: Boxes of Mexican Sweet Chili, Egyptian Licorice, and Bedtime Caffiene Free Yogi Teas


Anonymous said...

Yogi Teas are out of this world amazing!


Blueskighs said...


yes they are!!!!!!!!!!!!
and thank you for stopping by,


Ronda Kisner said...

I have the exact same problem. Even the smallest amounts of caffeine are a problem for me. It is good to know that I am not alone!