Apparently limiting my chai tea lattes and chocolate keeps me in an an acceptable range but my green teas throw me over ...
BUT it is not all a sad story today.
In search of SOMETHING else i have discovered the two delicious, out of this world, mind bogglingly wonderful flavors of Mexican Sweet Chili and Egyptian Licorice Caffiene Free Yogi Teas www.yogitea.com
I love them! Love them! Love them! And with no caffiene and a nice cup of Bedtime Yogi Tea before I hit the pillow at night, I am sleeping peacefully, restfully, and deeply once again.
Photo: Boxes of Mexican Sweet Chili, Egyptian Licorice, and Bedtime Caffiene Free Yogi Teas
Yogi Teas are out of this world amazing!
yes they are!!!!!!!!!!!!
and thank you for stopping by,
I have the exact same problem. Even the smallest amounts of caffeine are a problem for me. It is good to know that I am not alone!
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