Which means that when those time comes up when it is simple, but not easy to "just stop" eating I have the habit, the will, the strength to do so.
Last night was a case in point. Lying in bed I wanted to JUST GET UP AND EAT A BOWL OF YOGURT. Odd, since getting out of bed to eat is NOT one of my things, but yesterday from the time I got up to about the time I went to bed the news, the answers, the outcomes, were pretty much not what I wanted to hear, no, and not now.
Needless to say by the time my head hit the pillow I was feeling pretty frustrated. Nothing that a nice little bowl of yogurt with some fruit and walnuts wouldn't distract me from. But because I have been nosing for about four-and-a-half months an inner war raged between HABIT and just wanting to drown out my frustrations with a little bit of food.
Of course, HABIT won.
And of course, when I woke up this morning I was glad I had not sacrificed all of my "greens" for my first "red".
I also realized in the past I would have had the yogurt and justified it by saying, oh thats ok, it was "healthy food".
Yes, you can use "healthy food" to appease emotional eating just as easily as you can use junk food.
Regardless, last night I definitely got to reap the benefits of the Power of Just Stopping!
Photo: Pinto Beans, Sauteed Chard, Mixed Grains, and Salad of Romaine Lettuce
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