I love this little gem from the No S Diet book ...
"You're pre-disapproved, so forget it and move onto something else." p119
Being pre-disapproved definitely keeps things simple.
Someone stands in front of me with a sweety thing and/or a snacky thing and a big smile on their face.
"Here I brought this specially for you cause I KNOW it's your favorite."
Quick internal reconnoitering - is this an N day? Yes? Hmmm ... that means I am PRE-DISAPPROVED for ANYTHING sweety and anything snacky I can't or don't want to put on my one plate. Do I want to put THAT particular SNACKY THING on my one plate today? Heaven's no.
"Gee, that was so nice of you to think of me. I'll just take it and wrap it up for later."
Person's smile fades as I swipe it from their hands and quickly disappear.
On the way to lunch I make three points free-throwing it into the garabage. Better in the waste can than on my waist band.
Keeping life simple on the No S Diet.
Hey there! I didn't fall of the face of the Earth. Your entry today rang true with me. Couldn't have said it better myself. =)
it is good to hear from yoo! I am glad you did not fall of the face of the earth!;)
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