Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Trusting Yourself

I believe one of the greatest psychological tasks in healing from an eating disorder is learning to trust yourself. I am not a doctor, this is not a medical opinion. I am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, so this is also not a professional opinion. It is simply my opinion. Someone who has suffered with a binge eating disorder for over thirty years and been felled by it many times.

Felled into the deep dark hole of self-doubt.

In the end the only thing that gets me out of that dark hole is trusting myself. In the end, the only thing that keeps me out of that dark hole is trusting myself. In the end, the only thing that keeps me far enough away from that dark hole is trusting myself.

Trusting yourself is not such an easy task when you are unable to control something as basic as feeding yourself. IN such cases, self trust is like a little bird that flies out the window and refuses to return.

So how does one go about trusting oneself?

Some call it prayer. Some call it meditation. In the end what it is, is listening. Hearing. Heeding. Paying attention to the still small voice within that whispers your own particular truth. The rhythm of your own particular drum. The meaning of your own particular life.

You won't always get it right, epecially in the beginning. You might mistake impulse for intution or maybe you might mistake a voice from the past for your truth in the present. These things will happen. But they are worth the gold.

There is NOTHING no donut no brownie no chai tea latte that will fill the dark hole of not trusting yourself.


Anonymous said...

I hope I can get to the point of trusting myself. I should listen to that small little voice more often.

I keep struggling and can't seem to get past a day or two of consistent NoSing. But I keep trying, which I guess is better than not trying at all.

I enjoy your blog. Thanks!

Blueskighs said...

It is good to hear from you. I guess nosing is one of those things that is simple but not always easy. This can be a stressful time of year, I am glad you are continuing to work at nosing.

You may be surprised the changes that you can make over time. For me when it gets challenging I just try to break it down into the smallest possible time increments. If I want to eat for whatever reason and it is not meal time I try to come up with either something I need to do or want to do. Once I start getting absorbed in that it becomes a lot easier to make it to my next meal.
