Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"the Moderation Revolution"

On the back cover of the NO S Diet is a blurb: Join the Moderation Revolution!

The question for most of us "what in the heck is moderation" and "how in the heck do we apply it in our daily lives"?

According to the dictionary moderate means things like: kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits, not extreme, excessive or intense ... even :mediocre or fair. That being said why in the heck is it just so impossible for so many of us to practice "moderation" before we come to the No S Diet?

Interesting question.

Interestingly enough, the inability to eat moderately seems to "birth" the inablity to keep our "approach" to eating in moderation either. Ridiculous amounts of time, money and energy are spent TRYING to "CONTROL" a "perfect" food intake, whether its reaching that "perfect number of calories each day" or "perfectly avoiding offending food substances" our approach to eating is anything BUT moderate.

And this is where the No S Diet excels. No fancy calorie counting PDA required, no pre-packaged boil in the pouch meals, no points, nothing really at all required other than the plate that you put your food on.

Completely unobtrusive to the untrained eye, the NO S Diet is all about moderation.

I am starting to deeply suspect that "moderation" and the learning of it on just about all fronts of life is the only key to lasting, permanant weight loss and a peaceful and enjoyable relationship with food. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!


Anonymous said...

Loving the Revolution!

I got the book two days ago through my workplace/library.

I love food enough to really enjoy it.


"Buckeye Pink" from the BB.

Anonymous said...

Viva La Revolucion!!

I just love it!

Your blog continues to inspire me. Thanks for taking the time!


Blueskighs said...

thank you for stopping by! Need to add your blog to the list!


I am so glad you find the blog helpful. It is always good to heart from you. And thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a message,
