Wednesday, November 12, 2008


One of the many reasons I used to overeat and binge was to handle anxiety. I am not necessarily talking about huge or crippling anxiety, I am talking more about the "garden variety" kind of anxiety of living a "normal" life in the "modern world." The somewhat ongoing background tensions caused by interruptions, miscommunications, minor daily frustrations and obstructions.

This morning I accompanied a loved one to the hospital for an outpatient procedure. Hospitals, Parking Lots, Doctors, Consent Forms and basically the realm of the "unknown" loomed before me and my loved one. In the past, I might have been completely "unaware" of my anxiety, moving like shifting sands just below the surface of my consciousness, and used the experience to be "really hungry" all of a sudden.

But let's see, yesterday and today were N days. Hmmmmmmmm ... not a lot of room their for "food" subterfuge.

I began to realize last night that I was bit worried, just because anytime someone goes under anesthesia there is always THAT RISK. Small, but present. Curiously, I focused on how would I handle breakfast which was actually concrete and helpful. After much back and forth I decided the best bet would be to pack it and take it with me.

That is what I did this morning. Packed my healthy one bowl breakfast and threw it in my purse with a spoon. SO there I was in the waiting room ... tick tock tick tock ... the time was past when they were supposed to call me. Other patients "drivers" had already been called. I got to feel all my anxiety. Not mind bending. Not extremely high level. Just enough that prior to No S I might have ended up with some unwanted pastry from the coffee cart or some unsatisfying fare from the hospital cafe ... both reasons to indulge MORE when it was all over and I was free to leave the hospital, discharge my loved one, and then be free to ... well ... eat.

But that's just not how it went to day. I ate my one bowl. Satisfying as it always is. Lived through the anxiety. Tended to my loved one. Had a nice one plate lunch and got to work when it was all said and done. A "normal" day.


Who would have thought that I would have ever chosen anxiety over a donut?


Phyllis Bourne said...

Way to go!

I stopped by your blog today to help get me through my usual snack binge time, and your post was right on time. Thx.

Hope your friend's procedure went well!

Starbuck's dark chocolate/coffee bars are my S day treat too!

Anonymous said...

I can relate to the day that you had, my husband had knee surgery yesterday. So I must say I wasn't as prepared as you and I let it be an excuse to not keep it a No S Day. So I really found this to be inspriational in helping me to see that I can make the No S diet work in all situations, I just have to really want it to work.



Anonymous said...

I can relate to the day that you had, my husband had knee surgery yesterday. So I must say I wasn't as prepared as you and I let it be an excuse to not keep it a No S Day. So I really found this to be inspriational in helping me to see that I can make the No S diet work in all situations, I just have to really want it to work.



Blueskighs said...


it is good to hear from you! That is so cool that you like Starbucks dark chocolate/coffee bars too! They are such a nice size!

and thank you for your well wishes for my friend!


Knee surgery. That was a bit more intense than what we went through. Hope his recovery is smooth. But I am glad you found the blog inspiring.

It does take some planning on some days, but overall No S is much more doable than OTHER things I have tried,

good to hear from you,
