Saturday, March 29, 2008

Day Six

There are so many wonderful things to say about the No S Diet I hardly know where to begin. This is my first official S day as I started the "diet" on Monday, March 24, 2008.

That Monday I had already eaten a breakfast and lunch that included sweets and seconds. However, since that evening I ate a one-plate sweet free meal, I called it an "S" day... Special Day .... for starting the No S Diet... pretty good, huh? Besides I knew for me that in the next thirty days there are no Special Days outside of Saturday and Sunday. No birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc. that I will need to address.

I have eaten breakfast. YUM! THere is a lovely family owned donut shop in our neighborhood. Since we live in Southern California and the weather is almost always perfect, it is wonderful fun to walk over to the donut shop and stop into Starbucks for a chai tea latte.

That was one of my special treats I had for today. I had two donuts and one tea. And it was ... enough.

Will someone please explain to me why there are two cookies wrapped in paper towels and sealed in a ziploc bag and a small container of frozen mini peanut butter cups in my freezer ... totally unravaged? I do not get it myself.

I have been a notorious cookie monster, sweet tooth binging babe ever since I discovered the secret candy filled container - a one-and-a-half white gallon plastic thingy with a bright yellow lid - in my granny's pantry when I was four-and-a-half years old. I am forty-five. I'll let you do the math. But suffice it to say, that is a seriously entrenched HABIT.

So I can't understand why it is an S day today and I am not a raving foaming at the mouth panting sugar beast. But I am not. Of couse it is only day six and I have enjoyed this "set up" immensely.

I though two S days a week. Hmmmmmmmm.... that would mean two binge days a week instead of the usual "once a week cheat day" but no, their is simple genius in the No S Diet. One cheat day a week becomes a last supper. I must have this, oh and that too, and can't not have one more ... becomes I ate too much I feel ill already ... might as well plunge headlong into the food abyss.

But rather than two days like THAT ... with the No S Diet you actually get those two days where you get to ... as Reinhard Engels says ... treat yourself as a full-fledge adult with food. It lends a certain dignity and honor to the whole affair. After all who can knowingly, plan in advance to gorge themselves willy nilly for two whole days.

So I am really excited. I may start posting my daily menus. This is a miracle. I am not obsessing about food. I am enjoying it. This is one of the most seductive features of the testimonials from the people who have been on the No S diet for any appreciable length of time. They are ENJOYING their food. They are finding their eating to be PLEASURABLE.

What a timeless concept!

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