Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day Seven

I have decided to use the exciting Day # Title for my blog through Day 21. This means that I will then have officially established the HABITS of no essing and can join the 21 club.

SO how is it going?

Really well. This is my second official No S day. I have really enjoyed the treats that I planned and there has been absolutely no craziness, no desire for excess, etc.

I don't feel panicky about getting on with my N day's tomorrow because after all, we are talking about getting through five days. I have made it months in prior lives without sweets, snacks or seconds ...

It was called Gray Sheet Overeaters Anonymous. I did that about twenty years ago for about six months. That was when I learned how to grocery shop, plan meals and actually cook vegetables that were ... you know EDIBLE.

However, want to talk about an UNSUSTAINABLE life style ... gray sheet overeaters anonymous is a great example. I realized that all of the people who had been on gray sheet for more than a year-and-a-half were completely whacked.

In twelve step vernacular they did not have what I wanted. They were thin. But it was at a huge cost. They were thin. But they were mean, rigid, controlling, and basically NOT MUCH FUN.

It gave me a blueprint but not a solution. The elegance of No S is that it just makes so much no sense ... you don't have to get a sponsor or work any steps ... and eating becomes completely pleasurable.

Nice. Very Very Very Nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for leaving this blog up all these years! It is a terrific companion to the no s book. In the next edition, it should be included as an addendum or index.