Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pizza for Giants and 2 Pump Lattes

This weekend seemed to be all about what we ordered. On Saturday morning, learned how to order my Starbucks Grande Chai Tea Lattes with 2 Pumps or 3, depending on how much sugar and flavor intensity I wanted. The "standard" Grande has 4 pumps. I decided I like the "3" best.

Then after ordering a Z10 Pizza for our late afternoon/evening meal, they had a Z18 when we showed up to pick it up. I have to admit that I have never seen such a huge pizza in my entire life, hence the "Pizza for Giants" epithet.

It ended up making two full meals, (Saturday and Sunday - Lunch/Dinner) for the two not so giant people who took it home. Saturday the meal was enhanced with the yummy Pear and Gorgonzola Salad.

Whew! What an interesting weekend.
Otherwise it was very RELAXING!
Sad to see it end.
Photos: Vegan Pizza for Giants, Z18,, Half of Large Pear and Gorgonzola Salad


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog =) I'm on day 14 of NOSing and loving it.


Blueskighs said...


thank you for stopping by and your kind comments. THAT IS SO GREAT THAT you are on day 14!

Obviously, I am very enthusiastic about the No S Diet. Sounds like you are finding out about how wonderful it is too!

Have a great day,



I will check out your blog, thank you for stopping by and for the link,
