Well it's Wednesday. I am not sure that I have a whole lot more to say than that.
It does seem like No S makes it easy to move in and out of routines in life.
This is a neat secondary advantage ...
aiding in organizing your entire life.
Curiously, as I continue on with my No S lifestyle I find that it becomes apparent how much
our eating affects the daily rhythms of our life.
When meals, food, treats have their place ... and ... ahem, have A place, it is ... curious ....
how other things in our lives also fall in line.
I like that.
I like that weekends are even moreso like weekends as accentuated by treats and that special days become even more special days ... and that all this weekendiness and specialness is ... guilt free ... ENJOYABLE ... and manageable.
I also like N days. More sparse and specific, they provide nourishment and ample space for work, productivity ... getting things done.
So today is Wednesday, and back off a little vacation and back into the middle of N days, it is easier to ease back into daily living with my three "plates" a day.
And it is not interminable. Ever. Because there's always the weekend.
And S days ...
And S days ...
never too too far away.
It is Wednesday.
And for me, I would say, it has been a happy Wednesday.
Love your site, and the great photos of food! Would it be possible to add recipes along the way?
LindaGay Brown
thank you for stopping by... and glad you like the sie/photos. Adding recipes is a great idea. I will probably start doing that sometime in the near future.
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